This weekend's fairly lopsided as far as shit to do goes. Everybody's got dibs on Saturday and totally neglected Friday and Sunday. The only real show I could find for tonight was a Blackwater Show featuring the Magnolia District, Monica Marie, and Rebecca Goldsmith at either 8 or 9 (there's two listings for it on 209Vibe). Free
Saturday 9/20
Looking to do something this weekend? Well this is the day. Seriously, this day is wicked packed.
There's Minor Dischord and FunkyTim playing by the movie theater at 7pm. Obviously free.
Or if that's too close to nighttime for you to consider going downtown, the old Stockton Royal is being put to good use as Extended Walrus and Sukijames play at 7:30 on the Matinee side. $5
Over on the Empire Theater side of things is the San Francisco International Stand-Up Comedy Competition at 8pm featuring a bunch of comedians you've probably never heard of. (But as the press release notes about 50 times, they could become famous eventually.) $25
Or if you feel like boogeying down (a phrase best said/read by using a Richard Nixon voice), you can make the trek up to Modesto as 209Vibe celebrates it's adults-only 1-year anniversary at the Fat Cat. (Thus fulfilling our requirement to advertise any event who's press release contains the phrase "grown and sexy".) One can only hope the end result is Ian Hill waking up the next morning on the Fat Cat bar with half his beard shaved off. $10
Sunday 9/21
Absolutely nothing is going on Sunday. Unless you're into camp fundraisers. (Which is for a good cause,
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