Friday, February 13, 2009

Shit to do for Valentine's Day weekend

I'm beat. Sorry it's so late. This is a sorely needed 3-day weekend.

Sexy Friday the 13th

This Friday is both scary and sexy, scary sexy if you will. And in honor of that, and to make up for the lateness, here's some Sexy Friday goodness (from the linked KSK post).

Ok, so tonight at 8 Novacain, Odessa, Sandra D Jay and Dave, and Soul Simple play the Blackwater for the California Innocence Project. Which kind of sounds like a fake charity, like the Human Fund, but I'm pretty sure it's real. That website looks legit. Plus Novacain's pretty funny. $6

Saturday Feb. 14th (Valentine's Day)

I suggest heavy drinking, but if you insist on staying sober then head on over to the Plea for Peace Center at 7 to see The Shivers, Alitak, and Dim City Lights. Plus there's an art show. So yeah, Alitak. $5 (plus $2 yearly membership fee if you haven't been before)

Sunday Feb 15th (Or as married people call it, 364 days until your next blowjob)

Nothing's happening Sunday. Miss football yet? The NBA All Star game is on, so hey, meaningless basketball!

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