Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Well, fuck. (Update)

Sure, now you update the story. Less than a half hour after I posted today's Quick Links the Record updated their story about Teen Slave's escape and the capture of his aunt. It appears both the Record and the Chronicle were right, the Chronicle was just righter and more thorough in tracking down quotes. The kid did go for a ride in a van, probably where he picked up the dropped padlock key, then escaped over the back wall once they got home.

Sure, they took their sweet time, but they finally got the correct escape story up. Which, considering it's a story about an escape, is kind of sad. Still no quotes from neighbors or family members though. I guess "Hi, I'm Keith Reid from the Record" doesn't carry the gravitas that a "Hi, SF Chronicle, do you have a minute?" phone call does. We can only imagine the uphill battle the Tracy Press faces.

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