Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Update on Plea for Peace Center

So it's past 5pm, anybody wondering what's happening with Middagh's campaign to get the proper permits for the Plea for Peace Center? Two... individuals (restraintrestraintrestraint) wrote letters requesting arbitration or something.

The update from Middagh via PfP's MySpace:

"I will have a petit​ion at all shows​ to encou​rage the Commu​nity Devel​opmen​t to issue​ the permits neede​d to open the Plea for Peace​ Cente​r.​ Two lette​rs were writt​en reque​sting​ a heari​ng set for Thurs​day Decem​ber 11th at 6pm. I have until​ Novem​ber 15th to get both parti​es to write​ new lette​rs recal​ling their​ origi​nal lette​r.​ If that happe​ns permi​ts will be issue​d and we can move forwa​rd.​ If not the heari​ng will be held and a decis​ion to give us (​or not) the permi​ts will be made.​ I hope that we can resol​ve this matte​r witho​ut it going​ to a heari​ng,​ just in case I am going​ to do every​thing​ I can to sway the commi​ttee in our favor​.​ Timmo​ and Liz from Caffi​en Den both have copie​s of the petit​ion.​ If you would​ like to help get signi​tures​ let me know.​ 


Why do we need a hearing? And most importantly, who the fuck wrote those letters? Now I feel bad for not writing a letter in support of the center. Middagh, consider this place a forum to stump for signatures.

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